Clancey Houston
Empirik Health 谙康Managing Partner

Ms. Houston is the Managing Partner of Empirik Health. For twenty years Ms. Houston has grown and led multi-national and integrated,cross-cultural teams in building, promoting and protecting brands and businesses in the highly complex and issues-rich emerging markets of Asia Pacific, particularly in the healthcare services, pharma and consumer health sectors. Prior to founding Empirik, Ms. Houston served as CEO of Chinaco Healthcare Corporation (CHC), a Frist-family venture aimed at improvingthe quality of healthcare services provided to the mainstream population in China through the acquisition and management of large-scalegeneral hospitals. Ms. Houston is a native English speaker who speaks, reads and writes Mandarin Chinese. She holds a Master’s degree in Public Health from the Department of Health Policy & Management at the University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill's Gillings School of Global Public Health, and graduated cum laude from Vermont's Middlebury College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Chinese.

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