Angelique Chan

Dr Angelique Chan holds joint appointments as Associate Professor in the Signature Program in Health Services & Systems Research, Duke-NUS and the Department of Sociology, NUS.  She is Director of the Centre for Ageing Research & Education at Duke-NUS. Dr Chan received her PhD in Sociology from the University of California at Los Angeles and completed a US National Institute of Aging Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Michigan. 

She has published widely on aging issues in leading international journals and is co-author of a book titled Ageing in Singapore: Service Needs & the State (Routledge 2006) and Co-editor of Ultra-low Fertility in Pacific Asia: Trends, Causes and Policy Issues (Routledge 2009).  Her current research investigates the relationship between aging and various physical and mental health outcomes including; healthy life expectancy, caregiving, productive aging, and long term care service utilitzation. 

  • 健康管理、慢病
  • 教学研究