在亚太创新盛会 Innovfest Unbound上,未来健康项目新加坡团队成功与新加坡国立大学(NUS Enterprise)共同举办了一场摩登乐龄项目专场座谈,致力于鼓励学生,研究者与健康行业从业者在科技助老领域的创新。会上,艾社康大中华区与新加坡负责人刘畅博士与行业领袖学者积极探讨了老龄化人口带来的创新机遇。
Health Futures Singapore team successfully co-host a Modern Aging session with National University of Singapore (NUS) Enterprise at the largest innovation festival in Southeast Asia, Innovfest Unbound. It is the fourth year of co-hosting the event. The aim of the program is to inspire students, researchers, and health professionals to create businesses for the elderly. Dr. Chang Liu, managing director of ASK Health mainland China, Hong Kong and Singapore open the panel where panelists highlighted new opportunities and approaches that an aging population offers businesses, innovators, and entrepreneurs.