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在亚洲公益创投(AVPN)2019的“解决亚洲城市医疗挑战”座谈会上,艾社康大中华区与新加坡负责人刘畅博士与来自Johnson & Johnson, Stetson Family Office, the George Institute for Global Health, Quadria Capital Investment的专家学者,探讨了不同城市的社会投资和跨部门合作经验,为其他国家地区应对人口社会挑战提供潜在解决方案。

Asia' s unprecedented growth brings strong development in emerging markets but also demographic and social challenges of various forms. Governments are collaborating with private  Sector and civil society to bring innovative solutions to address these challenges, yet it is unclear if these efforts are successful in outpacing the challenges and their implications. 

In the “Solving healthcare challenges in urban Asia" panel of Asia Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) Conference 2019 , Dr. Liu Chang, Managing Director of ASK Health Mainland China,Hong Kong and Singapore along with experts from Johnson & Johnson, Stetson Family Office, the George Institute for Global Health, Quadria Capital Investment explored the social investment and cross-sector collaboration experience in urban communities to address these challenges, gaining insights that can help with similar issues in other markets

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