艾社康“未来健康 · 摩登乐龄开放日”于上海星荟中心成功举办。本次开放日共有3组创新项目参与,分别关注领域:人工智能心电技术,自闭症儿童家庭干预教育和融合型社区养老院。导师们与每组项目的创业者进行了1小时面对面的深入交流,帮助和引导项目成长。期望本次开放日可以帮助创业团队们更高效的发展项目、开拓市场,同时也欢迎更多来自老龄与健康领域的创业者联系我们,加入未来健康,参与开放日及其他更多活动!
Health Futures China team organized the June Open Day event in Shanghai. Three innovative projects joined the Open Day. They focused on a variety of areas, including artificial intelligence in electrocardiograph (ECG) , community based therapy for autistic children, and integrated model of community level nursing home. Three Health Futures industry network leaders communicated with the innovators and gave their comments on each project based on different opportunities and challenges specific to each field.
Distinguished mentors participated in the day:
Jianmin ZHU, NPI Charity Mentor.
Mingjie Duan, AgeClub, Founder and CEO
Linguo Li, ASK Health, Consultant
Jianmin ZHU, NPI Charity Mentor.
Mingjie Duan, AgeClub, Founder and CEO
Linguo Li, ASK Health, Consultant