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陕西省首届健康养老高峰论坛在西安举办。本次论坛由陕西省卫生健康委员会指导,陕西省老龄事业发展基金会主办,陕西助老汇社会工作发展中心承办。本次论坛以“健康陕西与养老服务的融合发展”为主题, 来自行业协会、养老机构、企业和国内外专家学者在内的200余名代表参加了本次论坛。


High Level Forum on Promoting Integration of Healthy Shannxi and Elderly Care was successfully held in Xi'an City, Shannxi Providence. The Forum is under Health Commission of Shaanxi Province’s guidance, held by Shaanxi Aging Development Foundation and organized by Ageing China Development Center, member of Health Futures Startup Alliance. With the theme of “Healthy Shannxi and Elderly care”, more than 200 representatives from pension institutions, elder care enterprises and experts at home and abroad attended the Forum.

Dr. Liu Chang, Managing Director of ASK Health Greater China and Singapore, summarized and analyzed the development status and best practices of healthcare integration and elderly care in different countries worldwide, also provided valuable suggestions for the future developments.

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